JACK PATRICK DORSEY (Chief Executive Officer of Square)
(Chief Executive Officer of Square)
Jack Patrick Dorsey is an American internet entrepreneur and programmer who was born on November 19, 1976. He co-founded Twitter, Inc., and was its first chief executive officer. He also co-founded Block, Inc., which created the Square financial services platform. Jack Dorsey, the son of Tim and Marcia Dorsey, was born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri. On his mother's side, he is of Italian origin. His mother was a stay-at-home mom, while his father worked for a company that created mass spectrometers. He was reared Catholic, and his uncle serves as a priest in Cincinnati. Bishop DuBourg High School is where he received his diploma. The logistics and their operational procedures piqued his intense curiosity .At the age of 15, Jack Dorsey developed dispatch software that is still used by many taxicab companies today .Instead, in the year 2000, Jack Dorsey relocated to Oakland, California, and founded a company that provided dispatch software via the Internet. While working on the dispatch software, he came up with the idea of having a platform that combines instant messaging with his dispatch software for ease. With the same thought, Jack Dorsey approached the company named Odeo. After successful talks and some work, in 2006 Twitter was launched successfully with the first tweet done by Jack Dorsey stating "just setting up my Twitter. Block Inc. is headquartered in San Francisco, California, USA, and is a financial services and digital payments company founded by Jack Dorsey and Jim McKelvey in 2009. The company Block derived its former name "Square" from its square-shaped card readers. Block is currently a public company that was registered on the New York Stock Exchange in November 2015.
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