RAM SHRIRAM (founding board member of Google Inc.)



(founding board member of Google Inc.)

Ram worked as an officer for Jeff Bezos, the founder and CEO, at Amazon.com. After Amazon purchased Junglee, an online comparison shopping company of which Ram served as president, in August 1998, Ram joined Amazon.com. Ram serves as a trustee on the board of Stanford Health Care and is a council on foreign relations member. He was the Stanford Board of Trustees' Vice Chair until recently.
Ram Shriram founded Sherpalo in January 2000 with the intention of using his extensive operational and business development knowledge to help budding startups. He has spent more than 30 years working inside the technology sector, holding positions in both large and small businesses, across various functional areas, and over varying business cycles. He is constantly ready to get his hands dirty and work closely with founding teams on the difficult problems that face and occasionally stump early stage enterprises.

Ram can help you secure early customer wins, build momentum from scratch, and generate international growth with his knowledge of and advice on a variety of topics, including hiring key management personnel, raising venture capital, selecting the best products, and defining and adapting the business model.

A feature of Ram's success is the capability to construct the correct DNA for a new growth firm with an emphasis on rational growth, revenue and profitability, by establishing a virtuous circle of talented employees/owners and pleased customers/users. Ram appreciates the process of transforming founders' ideas into prosperous companies and adopts a long-term perspective that acts as a compass for decision-making. Ram has a good instinctive understanding for what works in the marketplace, is intelligent, analytical, approachable, and completely committed to the projects he takes on.




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