RAMACHANDRAN VIVEK (Founder, SquareX (Exited)Founder, Pentester Academy (acquired by INE) Founder VRNComics.com (Hacker Comics))


(Founder, SquareX (Exited)Founder, Pentester Academy (acquired by INE) Founder VRNComics.com (Hacker Comics))

Pentester Academy, a pioneer in online, lab-based cybersecurity training, was founded and run by Vivek Ramachandran. With locations in India, the United States, and Singapore, Pentester Academy now serves thousands of government agencies, Fortune 500 companies, and businesses from over 140 nations.

Pentester Academy's founder and chief trainer is Vivek Ramachandran. He created Chellam, the first Wi-Fi firewall, broke WEP cloaking, invented a WEP protection schema, thought of enterprise Wi-Fi backdoors, and discovered the Caffe Latte attack.

Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing: Author by Him A Novice's Aide and BackTrack 5 Remote Entrance Testing: A Beginner's Guide, which Packt releases.

He spoke at COCON 2013, an international conference on cyber security and policing. Vivek developed an attack that fools a computer into thinking it is connected to a reliable wireless network. It obtains a lot of data that it can analyze in order to crack a key by taking advantage of WiFi's fundamental handshake system. Vivek has been working in cybersecurity for almost two decades. His knowledge of a wide range of topics includes shell coding, Linux internals, kernel security, network, web, and mobile security, cloud security, IoT and hardware security, and more. He enjoys having in-depth technical and philosophical discussions about the industry's present and future.




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